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Servicios Comunitarios



We firmly believe that the church of Jesus Christ has an obligation to be light to the world, not only in the aspect of bringing the Holy Word of God, but also in serving others, feeding the hungry, clothed the naked, water to the thirsty and much more. The Bible says:


Then the righteous will answer him saying, Lord, when did we see you hungry, and we sustained you, or thirsty, and gave you drink?

And when did we see you a stranger, and pick you up, or naked, and cover you?

Or when we saw you sick, or in prison, and came to you?

And answering the King, he will say to them: Truly I tell you that as soon as you did it to one of these my younger brothers, you did it to me. Matthew 25.37-40


That makes clear the importance of service, but this should not be done to receive a reward in heaven or to free us from some divine punishment for lack of mercy. We must do this because the world needs it, because there are people who really have food shortages, are desperate because they do not have money, or because they know if they will have what they need in the future.


There are various ministries that contribute to us and our congregations so that we have to meet the food and clothing needs of those around us. One of these ministries is called Volunter Way who, in the same way as other ministries, are committed to helping others, regardless of whether they attend their churches, have the same beliefs, are Christian, and so on.


Several of our ministers along with their churches and ministries have become distribution centers so that in these, other churches and ministries have to supply their own and the communities where they serve.


Here we provide the list of these, with their names, addresses and contact telephone numbers:


Chief coordinator

Community Services

Pastor Anthony Colón




If you need any of our services related to this ministry, please contact us by these means to determine availability, location, hours and dates of pickup.

Distribution Center

Orlando area

and neighboring towns

El Shaddai Church

Pastor Jorge Cordero

Phone (407)538-1793



1714 N Goldenrod Rd

Building D, Suite # 4

Orlando, FL 32807


Distribution Center

Haines City area

and neighboring towns

Casa Discipulado Nuevo Comienzop en Dios & Forgiven Church

Pastor Raul Cancel

Phone (863)207-5093



1113 Rhodes Rd N

Haines City, FL 33844



The services offered here do not include the services that our churches provide locally to their respective communities.

For information about our churches click the "OUR CHURCHES" button at the top of this page.

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